Entries: 10 979
Sent by:Dmitrij Khomyakov Source: Сальнова А.В. Греческо-русский и русско-греческий словарь. —
3-е изд., стереотип. — М.: Рус.
яз., 2000. Download link:gre-rus.zip
(~3 574 Kb).
This dictionary can be opened in Pop-Up Dictionary 4.3 or newer.
The electronic version of this dictionary is made by
Dmitrij Khomyakov.
Russian-Greekby Salnova A.V.
Entries: 10 226
Sent by:Dmitrij Khomyakov Source: Сальнова А.В. Греческо-русский и русско-греческий словарь. —
3-е изд., стереотип. — М.: Рус.
яз., 2000. Download link:rus-gre.zip
(~3 925 Kb).
This dictionary can be opened in Pop-Up Dictionary 4.3 or newer.
The electronic version of this dictionary is made by
Dmitrij Khomyakov.
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