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  Current Version: 4.8.577
  Last Update: 27/09/2010
  File Size: 4 827 Kb

  Dictionaries: 247
  Phrase Glossaries: 38
  Languages: 82

Ice-LC Software

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Copyright � 1999-2010
Ice-LC Software


principal member of the Mongolian language group (a branch of the Altaic family), spoken by some 7 million people in Mongolia and in the autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia and Sinkiang and the provinces of Tsinghai and Kansu in China. The Khalkha dialect constitutes the basis for the official language of Mongolia. The other dialects, the number and grouping of which are controversial, are spoken predominantly in China. With the closely related Buryat language, Mongol forms the eastern group of Mongolian languages. (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.)


Entries: 20 789
Used font: Arial Mon (http://badaa.mngl.net/)
Download link:
en-de-ru-mn.zip (~1 088 Kb). Hits:  

The dictionary was originally published at http://www.mobinet.mn, edited by Linguasoft.
The transcription field consists the German translation, the translation field consists the
Mongolian and Russian translations, delimited by "::".

The German and Russian entries have been created using machine translation software.
Users are invited to improve these translations and make the results available to the internet
community via this site, so that others can benefit from their efforts. This dictionary is in the
open MS Access 2000 format. You can freely view and edit it in MS Access 2000/XP.

English-German-Russian-Mongolian Unicode

Entries: 20 789
Editor: Linguasoft
Download link: en-de-ru-mnuni.zip (~1 092 Kb). Hits:  

The dictionary was originally published at http://www.mobinet.mn,
edited and converted into Unicode format by Linguasoft.

The transcription field consists the German and Russian translations, delimited by "::". The
German and Russian entries have been created using machine translation software.
Users are invited to improve these translations and make the results available to the internet
community via this site, so that others can benefit from their efforts. This dictionary is in the
open MS Access 2000 format. You can freely view and edit it in MS Access 2000/XP.

All rights reserved for the authors of the dictionaries. Please, contact the authors of the dictionaries for all questions concerning the contents and copyrights of the dictionaries.

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